Mrs Karla Gillespie BSc (Hons)
Karla Qualified as an orthoptist in 1996 from Glasgow Caledonian University. She went on to work at the Sussex Eye Hospital before taking up a part time research post at the National Hospital for Neurology at Queens Square in 1999.
Karla is Deputy Head Orthoptist at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital since 2000. Mrs Gillespie Leads the Community Vision Screening project for Lambeth rising five year olds.
Mrs Gillespie is involved in a vision 20/20 exchange with Muhimbili Hospital in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, and visited in 2008 and 2009.
Mrs Gillespie specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of ocular motility disorders and the development of children’s vision, including amblyopia (lazy eye), squint, eye muscle imbalance and double vision. She has extensive experience in assessing simple and complex paediatric and adult ocular motility patients.
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Ms Kimberley Hall, BMedSci (Orthoptics)
Kim Hall is Deputy Head Orthoptist at The Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Trust.
Kim is very experienced in diagnosing and managing paediatric and adult ocular motility disorders and is highly skilled at children’s vision assessments.
Ask Kimberley Hall (Orthopist) a question…
Mrs Gurpreet Saini BMedSci (Hons) Orthoptics
Gurpreet is a former Deputy Head Orthoptist at Kings College Hospital and assists with managing and leading 16 members of staff and developing hospital and community based service.
Gurpreet graduated from the University of Sheffield in 1999 and has practised as an orthoptist at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital and the Western Eye Hospital, London. She has 15 years of experience diagnosing and managing paediatric eye conditions including ocular motility (squint/strabismus) disorders and vision development. She is highly skilled in assessing children with disability, having worked at Kaleidoscope in Lewisham, as well as vision screening in special needs schools. Furthermore she has extended her skills into the areas of glaucoma care and refraction.